Strategic Direction
The Riverside Federation is seeking Federation growth. We firmly believe, in order to ensure the sustainability of small schools in a challenging education climate, that there is considerable strength in expanding our Federation.
Our Strategic Vision
In our growth model we aim to:
- open up opportunities to share management, governing body responsibility and curriculum expertise
- facilitate the release of our strongest school leaders to offer support across the Federation
- give further emphasis to strategic leadership and management structures; strengthening the strategic direction
- reduce the cost burden on each individual school
- create new opportunities for staff to work together and reduce isolation, sharing best practice and learning from each other
- have increased opportunities for moderating and benchmarking: assessment; data; finances
- secure future growth/succession planning
If you are interested in joining our Federation, or would like to have an initial discussion about partnership, please contact:
Mrs. Cherane Marshall, Executive Headteacher:
Miss Bev Waldis or Mrs. Louise Reader, Co-Chairs of Governors: