Riverside Federation

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The Governing Body of the Riverside Federation is made up of volunteers from the local community, parents and staff, the Children’s Services Agency (LEA) and the Diocese of Chichester. We meet regularly, both as a full body and in committees, to assist the smooth running of the school and to promote the highest possible standards to ensure that every child in our care reaches their full potential. We work in close partnership with the Executive Headteacher, setting aims and objectives for the school, adopting and reviewing policies to achieve those aims and outlining clear targets. Our role is seen as a ‘critical friend’, offering constructive advice and support. 

Should you require any further information about the work of the Governing Body or are interested in becoming a Governor should a vacancy occur, please contact the Chair of Governors via the school office.

We have one sub-committee that operates under our Full Governing Board as follows:

Finance and Operations

  • Beverley Waldis (Co-Chair of Governors and Chair of Committee)
  • Cherane Marshall
  • Gregory Coleman
  • Louise Reader

Our Current Governors

Name Governor Role/Appointed by Term of office
Beverley Waldis Co-Chair (Local Authority Gov.) 12.07.2024 to 12.07.2028 
Louise Reader  Co-Chair (Co-opted Gov.)  22.09.2022 to 21.09.2026 
Cherane Marshall  Ex-Officio  Term of office linked to role (from 01.01.2023) 
Claire Day  Co-opted(apptd. by the Gov. Board)  31.08.2024 to 31.08.2028 
Heloise Prus  Staff (apptd. by the Gov. Board) 30.06.2024 to 30.06.2028 
Jason Waring  Co-opted (apptd. by the Gov. Board)  01.07.2022 to 01.07.2026 
Richard Fretwell  Parent (elected by parents)  01.07.2021 to 30.06.2025 
Gregory Coleman Co-opted (apptd. by the Gov. Board) 30.06.2024 to 30.06.2028
Cathy Slow Co-opted (apptd. by the Gov. Board) 01.07.2022 to 30.06.2026
Rev. Thomas Pelham Foundation (Ex-Officio) Term of office linked to role (from 01.11.2023)
Katie Donovan Associate Governor no voting rights

Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months

Name Governor Role/Appointed by Term of office
Patrick Stevens Foundation (apptd. by the Diocese) 01.07.2020 to 30.06.2024
Rev. Christopher Irving Foundation (Ex-Officio) Term of office linked to role (from 01.03.2018)
Annette Childs Foundation (apptd. by the Diocese) 01.07.2020 to 22.05.2024

Governor Attendance, 2023-24

To view governor attendance, please see the link below:

Governor Attendance, 2023-24

Register of Business Interests


Name of Business

Including: Governor elsewhere, related/married to member of staff, employed at the school

Nature of Business

Nature of Interest

Date of Appointment or Acquisition

Date of Entry

Gregory Coleman

Employed at Etchingham CEPS,

Employed by KCC


Business Manager of Etchingham CEPS,

Business Manager at Goudhurst & Kilndown CE School and at Benenden CE School



Claire Day

Employed at the School


Head of School at Etchingham



Richard Fretwell

 Parent of 3 children at Etchingham CE (Year R, Year 2 and Year 5)


Parent of 3 children at Etchingham CE (Year R, Year 2 and Year 5)




Cherane Marshall

Employed as Executive Headteacher at the Riverside Federation



Executive Headteacher



Rev. Thomas Pelham

 Employed by the Diocese of Chichester. Foundation Governor at Burwash CE Primary School.


 Rector of Burwash, Burwash Weald and Etchingham



Heloise Prus

Employed at Bodiam CE School


Head of School at Bodiam CE School



Louise Reader

Nil Return



Catherine Slow MBE

School Advisor Diocese of Chichester; IEB member Groombridge School; Chair of LGB Northiam DCAT Academy

Diocese / Local Schools

School Advisor Diocese of Chichester; IEB member Groombridge School; Chair of LGB Northiam DCAT Academy



Beverley Waldis

 Nil Return





Jason Waring

 Employee ESCC

 Local Authority

Employed in Management Position in Orbis ICT Services (ESCC) From 01/11/22 employed by the DfE



Diversity data

The governors of the Riverside Federation believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.

The governors are currently collecting data on the diversity of the board, including data on age, gender and ethnicity. They will use that data to inform their recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.

Due to our relatively small governing body, we do not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.

Governor vacancies

We currently have vacancies on our Governing Board as follows:

  • One parent governor
  • Two Foundation governors

If you are interested in becoming a governor at the Riverside Federation, please contact the school office: 01580 830342.